The land logistics sector in goods transportation is increasingly gaining high-speed growth over the last decade due to expanding market places and need of faster goods transfer. This sector is becoming superior to others due to reach, connectivity and point-to-point movement of goods in the fastest and economically acceptable propositions.
Trucks forms a significant means to the Land Logistics system of any country. The factor that helps in the level of goods handling, documentation and drive – through weighing system for proper accountability has made Trucks with higher payloads more efficient than ever.
In order to keep accurate track of the Truck payloads, it is essential to weigh the Trucks for Entry and Exit points during the transit of goods from one point to another or exchange of goods between sellers and buyers. Electronic Weighing System for weighing of Trucks and other goods carriers are now an integral part of the goods transit system – purely on the strength of highest and most stable accuracies, efficiency in data handling, data processing and Management Information System report generation, and ability to integrate quickly and efficiently with the various departments of the organization such as sales, purchases, shipment, inventory, finance – thus enabling live data resources available to the Enterprise Resource System of the company.