Weighman is Manufacturer of Weighing Scales,Balances,Weights and Measure Industrial Weighing Machinces, Provides of turnkey solutions in Industrial Automation and special applications of weighing and Measurement Weighman is an innovative,financially strong company built on corporate culture.For nearly 50 years, Weighman has dedicated to trade and Industrial weighing needs with a singular vision.
"To be recognized by the customers as
the preferred suppleir in all markets."
Over the years, everyone who has relationship with Weighman has felt the benefits of this constant pursuit of excellence. Today, Weighman is a company under control and leading the way. We employ disciplined management and leadership to involve all of our associates in the process of delivering customer satisfaction. We use Strategic planning to help us ensure stability and growth. Our vision is unquestioned superiority has become part of the very fabric of our company, which extends not only to the products we produce, but we do business. To our customers this means that Weighman strives and extend their highest expectations by setting the standard for excellence in everything we do.