The double-ended shear beam is supported at both ends and is center loaded. The overall result is a reduction in measurement errors. This is primarily due to the fact that the load in a double-ended shear beam application reacts against the area of the base plate assembly evenly. It is not cantilevered.
The double-ended shear beam design produces a unique, compact and high-strength weigh module when coupled with the appropriate weighing assembly/mount. The mounting assembly is particularly designed for applications in areas of high seismic activity, wind loading and process vibration. One hundred percent side loading can be tolerated with 100% of vertical load applied. This fact attests to the structural integrity of the double-ended shear beam in the vertical and horizontal planes.
These assemblies provide for completely self-checking weighing systems, totally eliminating the requirement for stay rods or other physical restraints common to some other types of load cells. Provisions for thermal expansion and contraction are provided employing double-ended shear beams. The combination of these two factors, significantly reduce the possibility of measurement errors induced by mechanical binding and misalignments.